its been forever since i wrote on here and i felt really bad lol :) so i thought i should update everyone. i am no longer living with my family because of personal issues that came up. now im actually living with my fiance and his family who graciously took me in.. im so grateful for them, not sure what i would do if i didnt have them. i absolutly love them! especially my step mother in law and sister in law, they are always there to talk to which i didnt have before and its nice to have now. Ben and i are looking for our own apartment soon just cuz we want our own space. and i think we've found the right one.. the only problem is its in elkton and im not that fond of elkton but it might have to do for now. im going to get a puppy soon, :) his name is Mushu-Pork :)and im going to put a picture below i named him Mushu after the dragon from Mulan :) lol and then we're getting another puppy, (its going to be my sister in laws but its staying with us cuz they dont have the room) and his name is Bear-Bear :) they are brothers so they should get along fine.. they're only 2 weeks old right now. so we cant get them for a little bit. Bear-Bear is such a cute little greyish/black and he looks like a little bear, and my Mushu has a yin-yang on his head! :D i cant wait to have my puppies in my arms :) im so attached to them and ive never even seen them in person yet lol. ben and i do a little wedding planning in our spare time but the wedding dress that i fell in *LOVE* with is no longer being made or sold in any stores :'( and the only person i could find that would sell it to me is selling it for $2,000!!!!!!!! and i cant afford that so i guess i got to settle for something else... :( but even though i cant have my dress im sure i can find something.. nothing else will go wrong with the wedding..i will make sure of it lol :) i cant wait for my wedding day im so excited :) well i think this is a long enough post for now...